Sending a Template Message with image/video

Post Data AttributePost Data Attribute Value TypeDescription
channel_idStringChannel ID by which the message template would be sent.
contact_detailsJSONAll the values would be put into contact details when creating contacts
city : "xxx",
country: "yyy",
tags : ["tag1", "tag2"]
phone_numberStringPhone number with country code
852967XXYYY (Country code 852 Stands for HongKong)
91897889XXXX (Country code 91 stands for India)
templateJSONEntire Template JSON.
Various Template JSON types are described below.
dontShowInChatList (optional)boolean
default - false
true -> These msg would not change the contact order in chat screen
false -> These msg will change the contact order in chat screen
curl --location --request POST '<baseAPIURl>/api/messages/send' \
--header 'X-API-Key: <API KEY>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "channel_id": "<Channel ID>",
    "dontShowInChatList": false,
    "phone_number": "<Phone Number with Country Code>",
    "template": {
      "namespace":"<WABA Namespace>",
      "name":"<template Name>",
         "code":"<template language>"
                     "link":"<file absolute public url>"
                  "text":"placeholder1 data"
                  "text":"placeholder2 data"
                  "text":"placeholder3 data"

Sending a Template Message with document

curl --location --request POST '<baseAPIURl>/api/messages/send' \
--header 'X-API-Key: <API KEY>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "channel_id": "<Channel ID>",
    "phone_number": "<Phone Number with Country Code>",
    "template": {
      "namespace":"<WABA Namespace>",
      "name":"<template Name>",
         "code":"<template language>"
                     "filename":"<file Name with extension>",
                     "link":"<file absolute public url>"
                  "text":"placeholder1 data"
                  "text":"placeholder2 data"
                  "text":"placeholder3 data"

Sending Custom Payload in Template Quick Reply Buttons

curl --location --request POST '<baseAPIURl>/api/messages/send' \
--header 'X-API-Key: <API KEY>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "channel_id": "<Channel ID>",
    "phone_number": "<Phone Number with Country Code>",
    "template": {
      "namespace":"<WABA Namespace>",
      "name":"<template Name>",
         "code":"<template language>"
                     "link":"<file absolute public url>"
                  "text":"placeholder1 data"
                  "text":"placeholder2 data"
                  "text":"placeholder3 data"
                "type": "button",
                "sub_type": "quick_reply",
                "index": "0",
                "parameters": [
                        "type": "payload",
                        "payload": "<Developer Defined payload for quick reply>"
                "type": "button",
                "sub_type": "quick_reply",
                "index": "1",
                "parameters": [
                        "type": "payload",
                        "payload": "<Developer Defined payload for quick reply>"